Best cryptocurrency to choose and buy to invest in 2021?

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Best cryptocurrency to choose and buy to invest in 2021

At the start of 2021, the crypto market is bullish again, the Bitcoin BTC price has broken new records since the end of 2020.

A rise in the BTC price that will bring new investors in cryptocurrencies, with the essential question: which cryptocurrency to choose and buy to invest in 2021?

Beyond Bitcoin, there are indeed many other cryptocurrencies (Ethereum, Ripple XRP, ADA, …), thousands of altcoins which represent very varied crypto and blockchain projects, some more solid than others, depending on the quality of the teams and the progress of the project’s development.

We are going to discuss projects and cryptocurrencies that we think are interesting from an investment point of view, the best cryptocurrency to invest in 2021, but do your research on your end before deciding to invest your hard-earned money in cryptocurrencies.

It is also necessary to evaluate the duration for which you wish to invest, weeks, months, years.
The crypto market is very volatile, it alternates between bullish and bearish cycles, the last bear market lasted for years.


Several cryptocurrencies that have investment potential for 2021, a year that should be bullish for Bitcoin which has already started a sharp rise in price since the end of 2020.

DeFi cryptocurrency is also covered in this guide, a booming sector that will continue to grow in the future.

What are the best cryptocurrencies to invest in 2021

Bitcoin (BTC)

invest in bitcoin in 2021

Bitcoin BTC is the number 1 cryptocurrency on the market and remains the safe bet as a medium/long term investment.

Institutional investors now buy BTC by billions of dollars, an alternative investment asset deemed reliable as a safe haven against inflation and which could replace gold in the future according to some reputable analysts such as billionaire Paul Tudor Jones or the JPMorgan bank.

Present for more than ten years, Bitcoin has therefore become an investment asset recognized by institutions and will therefore see its price rise in the months and years to come.

A safe haven that new generations prefer to buy, unlike gold considered outdated and above all more difficult to store than BTC tokens on a crypto wallet.

It therefore seems wise to have part of your capital and portfolio allocated to Bitcoin BTC.

A Bitcoin price that could reach more than 100,000 dollars by the end of 2021 according to some analysts, and much more according to others who believe that there will be a very important demand for BTC in the months to come.

You can buy Bitcoin on KrakenBinanceKucoinCoinbaseeToro.

Ethereum (ETH)

invest in ethereum in 2021

Ethereum (ETH) is another safe bet among cryptocurrencies on the market.

It’s a bit like the Microsoft of the blockchain, 80% of smart contracts use the Ethereum blockchain, which is to say the importance of this crypto project in the ecosystem.

The competing blockchains of Ethereum (EOS, Tezos (XTZ), Cardano (ADA), Ziliqa (ZIL), Tron (TRX)) are thus only reaping crumbs from the market, which raises certain doubt about their future.

The initiated and successful transition to Ethereum 2.0 also indicates the solidity of the IT development invested in this blockchain project, which therefore confirms its leadership position among smart contract blockchains.

The Ethereum blockchain will thus continue to improve its infrastructure and consolidate its number 2 position in the crypto market.

And it should not be forgotten that DeFi decentralized finance basically uses the Ethereum blockchain and hardly any other blockchain.

A reliable cryptocurrency suitable for investment, institutional investors in particular place part of their funds in ETH.

You can buy Ethereum on KrakenBinanceKucoinCoinbaseeToro.

Litecoin (LTC)

invest in litecoin in 2021

Referred to as silver versus Bitcoin which would be gold, Litecoin (LTC) has been around for years and has been able to attract institutional investors who place part of their capital in this well-known altcoin.

One advantage of the Litecoin cryptocurrency is that it is present in thousands of cryptocurrency ATMs around the world.
Which makes it one of the most famous altcoins alongside Bitcoin and Ethereum in particular.

Still, its role only holds as a crypto payment method that can be used on merchant sites or between individuals to exchange funds, LTC token transfers are fast and inexpensive in fees.

Over the years, Litecoin has confirmed its place among the main cryptocurrencies on the market and remains a safe bet for 2021.

You can buy Liteeoin LTC on KrakenBinanceKucoinCoinbaseeToro.

Chainlink (LINK)

invest in chainlink in 2021

The Chainlink (LINK) project is one of the successes of the blockchain industry.

If the LINK price reached 20 dollars in 2020, the price of the LINK token should certainly continue to rise during the year 2021 thanks to a bull market.

ChainLink is the first platform that solves a unique problem in the blockchain industry by bridging blockchain-based smart contracts and real-world data.

Its indispensable role in the blockchain ecosystem explains its success and consolidates its future as a safe bet within the crypto market.

You can buy LINK on KrakenBinanceKucoinCoinbaseeToro.

Binance Coin (BNB)

invest in bnb in 2021

Another safe bet in this ecosystem is the Binance crypto exchange token, BNB.

A world leader in crypto trading, Binance has created a useful and widely used token on its trading platform.

The BNB token can only see its price rise due to the success of this bitcoin exchange which is attracting more and more users.

The rise in the Bitcoin price in 2021 will attract more and more users to Binance, so the BNB price should benefit from this increase in activity.

In addition, the BNB token is used on the platform, in particular it allows to reduce transaction fees for users when they buy or sell crypto-currencies.

You can buy BNB tokens on Binance and use your tokens on the site in order to benefit from advantages and discounts on many services.

Polkadot (DOT)

invest in polkadot in 2021

Polkadot (DOT) is one of the best blockchain projects around today and has a lot of potential.

Although it didn’t make its debut in the crypto markets until mid-August 2020, it went straight into the top 10 largest cryptocurrencies by market cap, ahead of historical names like as Cardano, Stellar, Monero or EOS.

The point is that the ambitions of this project are indeed very high.
Polkadot is an infrastructure in some ways competing with Ethereum, but with much broader functionality.

It even claims to be able to create a new blockchain-based Web 3.0, allowing different models to communicate in a single structure.

The strength of this project lies in the reputation of Gavin Wood, co-founder of Ethereum and in charge of the Polkadot project.

Among other things, Wood created the Solidity language and is the author of the specifications for the Ethereum virtual machine.

The expectations on this project are probably as high as its ambitions, and so it is probably the most potentially revolutionary crypto project to emerge in 2021.

A Polkadot price which should therefore progress in 2021 especially in a bull market environment.

To consider also, the Kusama cryptocurrency (KSM) which is Polkadot’s little sister, this blockchain serves as a test network for projects before switching to the Polkadot blockchain.
The DOT and KSM tokens are therefore more or less correlated.

You can buy DOT on KrakenBinanceKucoinCoinbaseeToro.

Kraken exchange offers DOT staking with 12% interest!

The Graph (GRT)

invest in the graph grt in 2021

A blockchain project that was launched at the end of 2020 and is already attracting a lot of attention: The Graph (GRT).

Its GRT token debuted in the crypto market on December 17, 2020, the GRT price started at $0.13 and immediately climbed to $0.75 due to the craze for this new project that some expect similar performance to that of the LINK price.

Similar to, this is a project with revolutionary potential in the crypto industry, and like Polkadot, it has to do with Web 3.0, or the blockchain-based web.

The Graph is a kind of Google that allows you to perform queries and searches on other blockchains.

A project that is not at the development stage but was already working before the launch of its GRT token, which explains in particular the interest of investors in this promising blockchain project.

A solid crypto project that should see the GRT price rise in 2021.

You can buy the GRT token on KrakenBinanceKucoinCoinbaseeToro.

The best DeFi cryptocurrencies to invest in 2021

DeFi decentralized finance made a big splash in 2020.

Decentralized finance that could one day simply replace centralized finance as we know it today, with the disappearance of intermediaries like banks which would become unnecessary.

Decentralized finance has seen the emergence of many new DeFi projects and protocols that allow you, for example, to lend your cryptocurrencies in order to earn interest, borrow money via cryptocurrencies, cryptocurrency staking in order to generate passive income or participate in liquidity pools and DeFi token farming.

A whole ecosystem that is emerging with certain DeFi projects that are more reliable than others, due to the quality of the teams behind and the viability of their economic model.

So we’re going to see some DeFi projects and tokens that look interesting from an investment perspective in 2021.

Aave (LEND)

inveset in aave in 2021

This is not only one of the DeFi projects with great potential, but also one that is already having a strong impact on the crypto and blockchain lending industry: Aave (LEND)

Although this protocol was only launched in January 2020, it has already become DeFi’s third largest protocol in terms of funds locked in this ecosystem, behind the giants Maker and Compound, but ahead of, for example, Uniswap and Synthetix.

Aave wants to bring many tools, services and products of traditional finance on the blockchain and on its decentralized platform, with the aim of building a parallel financial world without intermediaries.

It is certainly the most advanced of DeFi projects which therefore aims to allow as many people as possible to lend and borrow money through the use of blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

A blockchain-based lending system that is clearly destined for a bright future.

You can buy Aave on KrakenBinanceKucoinCoinbaseeToro. (YFI)

invest in yearn finance yfi in 2021

Another DeFi project worth mentioning is (YFI).

Its revolutionary scope lies in the automatic management of capital allocations in the DeFi sector, opening a new front of development in this already revolutionary sector.

Created by Andre Cronje, yearn finance wants to simplify yield farming which was becoming too complicated for users who wanted to combine several crypto lending platforms to accumulate more income.

Yearn Finance is a yield aggregator for lending platforms like Aave, Compound, Dydx and Fulcrum.
On a single platform, it allows users to simultaneously use multiple DeFi platforms to generate the highest possible efficiency.

A DeFi protocol that has thus made itself indispensable within the decentralized finance ecosystem.

While the YFI price already seems high, just like the Bitcoin price, it has upside potential for 2021 as DeFi grows in importance on a daily basis.

You can buy YFI on KrakenBinanceKucoinCoinbaseeToro.

Synthetix (SNX)

invest in synthetix snx in 2021

Another major decentralized finance project: Synthetix Network (SNX).

Synthethix is a DeFi ecosystem comprised of a decentralized asset trading and issuance platform maintained by a staking-based incentive mechanism.

Synthetix Network allows users to trade currencies on Ethereum with the use of a crypto token.

It offers users a new way to purchase assets such as stocks and bonds using digital currencies instead of real currencies.

Already a very popular DeFi project, the price of the SNX token should benefit from the success of this platform in the coming months.

You can buy SNX on KrakenBinanceKucoinCoinbaseeToro.

Some crypto projects with potential

Beyond these major crypto projects, there are a few cryptocurrencies that deserve attention and are expected to see their prices rise in 2021.

Kryll (KRL)

best crypto trading bot 2021

Kryll is an automated crypto trading platform whose crypto bots and bitcoin robots are increasingly used by traders, as well as by the general public who can rent ready-made trading strategies there.

A company which confirms the success of its products by posting a trading volume which increases each month, in particular thanks to the influx of new users attracted by automatic trading.

Its KRL token has a real utility in the operation of the platform, a KRL price which is gradually rising and which should continue its upward course in 2021.

You can buy KRL on Kucoin crypto exchange.

The Sandbox (SAND)

invest in the sandbox in 2021

Video games also have their place on the blockchain and The Sandbox (SAND) is one of the projects with potential.

A company that benefits in particular from the support of the giant Binance, The Sandbox therefore specializes in blockchain video games.

The Sandbox is a decentralized virtual gaming world built on the Ethereum blockchain, creators can create 3D VOXEL assets, create a gaming experience, and monetize it through non-fungible tokens, the Sandbox cryptocurrency called SAND.

Like Minecraft and Roblox, it is a user-generated content platform.

A cryptocurrency to watch in 2021, blockchain video games will attract more and more players, a sector that will therefore see its activity grow in the future.

You can buy the SAND token on Binance.

Energy Web Token (EWT)

invest in energy web token in 2021

A little-known blockchain project focused, as the name suggests, on the energy sector.

Energy Web Token (EWT) is the native token of Energy Web Chain, a public blockchain on Ethereum, specifically designed to support enterprise-grade applications in the energy industry.

The Energy Web Foundation counts among its members energy companies, utilities, network operators, software developers and technology providers like Engie, Centrica, Duke Energy, e.on, Equinor, GE, PG&E, SB Energy (SoftBank), Shell, Siemens, Swisspower, or Tokyo TEPCO.

You can buy the Energy Web (EWT) token on Kraken crypto exchange.

Safex (SFX) et (SFT)

invest in safex in 2021

Safex recently launched its decentralized Amazon-style e-commerce platform on the blockchain.

After years of development, this platform has therefore emerged with clearly a significant development potential for online commerce via blockchain technology.

There are two tokens within this ecosystem, the Safex Cash token (SFX) and the Safex Token (SFT) which both have very specific roles.

Cryptocurrencies to watch in 2021 and which certainly have upside potential.

You can buy SFX and SFT cryptocurrencies on Xcalibra exchange.

Where to buy Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies?

The best cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin BTC are available on KrakenBinanceKucoinCoinbaseeToro.

Automatic trading for Bitcoin and crypto-currencies

You can also do automatic trading of BTC and cryptocurrencies with crypto trading bots and Bitcoin robots: click here to find out more.

Where to store your bitcoins and altcoins safely?

You can store your BTC and cryptocurrencies securely on a Ledger Nano X.


If these blockchain projects and cryptocurrencies have caught our attention, there are of course many other interesting crypto projects.

Do your research before investing your money, this article is not financial advice, diversify your investments into several projects in order to limit the risks if a project were to fail.

If Bitcoin BTC is a safe bet in the long term, some blockchain projects will disappear, this is inevitable in a market that is emerging and that will select the best in the future.
There are certainly some nuggets of the Amazon, Apple type in this new blockchain ecosystem, hence the interest in diversifying your investments in order to give yourself more chances and obtain better returns in return.

The blockchain sector is still in its infancy, and just like the internet when it was launched, its technology continues to develop and evolve to give birth to new and ever more interesting and revolutionary projects.

The cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects mentioned in this guide are very solid and clearly have significant growth potential in 2021.