Car maker Daymak to launch Spiritus electric car that can mine Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies
Certainly inspired by its competitor Tesla, the Canadian manufacturer of electric cars Daymak will launch the Spiritus model which will allow Bitcoin and cryptocurrency mining.
An announcement that did not go unnoticed as Elon Musk recently launched the debate on Bitcoin BTC mining which is too polluting for the planet according to him.
According to the press release published by Daymak, the Spiritus series will allow the mining of cryptocurrencies and in particular the now famous Dogecoin (DOGE) or Bitcoin BTC.
Electric vehicle cryptocurrency miners will be powered by solar energy using an infrastructure called Nebula to ensure the mining is environmentally friendly.
Each vehicle will also have its own crypto wallet called Nebula Wallet in order to store the cryptocurrencies mined by the vehicle, in particular when it is parked.
Note also that the car manufacturer Daymak accepts payment in cryptocurrency including DOGE, Ethereum (ETH) and Cardano (ADA) and Bitcoin (BTC), for any customer who wishes to place a pre-order of the vehicle scheduled for 2023.
“Each Spiritus vehicle will be a node on the Blockchain and will include Daymak Nebula Miner and Nebula Wallet. Daymak Nebula technology makes Daymak Spiritus the first car in history with mining hardware and cryptocurrency technology programmed into the user interface. As an emissions-free daily driver with solar charging capabilities, the Nebula infrastructure turns Daymak’s Spiritus vehicles into eco-friendly crypto-miner nodes, an unprecedented step in the rapid evolution of technology. blockchain.”
There will be two Spiritus models, Deluxe and Ultimate. The Deluxe Edition is priced at $19,995 and is equipped with a 36 kWh battery.
If Elon Musk has clearly brought many new people into the cryptocurrency sector, his competitors have also quickly taken an interest in the crypto sector to soon offer electric cars that will mine Bitcoin!
Aldo Baiocchi, President of Daymak, said:
“The Spiritus car is for those who want more in life, and we are committed to giving our customers a head start. We envision a future where your highway tolls, parking, and drive-thru will be paid directly on the fly with crypto. Your online invoices and banking transactions can be processed through the same software platform paid in crypto.
And while most vehicles depreciate while in your garage, the Nebula Miner will earn you money while your Spiritus is parked. The potential applications are limitless.
Daymak has been a champion of disruptive technologies since its inception, and the current crypto movement makes it clear that by the Spiritus 2023 release date, we will be in the midst of the blockchain revolution. Everyone will be paying in crypto by then, and we’re building these cars with that in mind.”
The Canadian electric car maker has set a goal of reaching 50,000 pre-orders by July 23, 2021 and has so far recorded more than $350 million in pre-orders in less than 60 days.
If the CEO of Tesla is known around the world for his whimsical side, the development of the crypto sector brings us surprising news every day like that of Daymak, which will offer a vehicle that will mine cryptocurrency.
Everyone is now waiting for the reaction of Tesla and its CEO, the automaker could also announce the integration of crypto mining on its Tesla models.