In the United States, 3% of retirees say they have Bitcoins
In the United States, 3% of retirees say they have Bitcoins.
According to a Gold IRA Guide poll, 3% of American retirees say they own Bitcoin, while 33% have no idea what cryptocurrency is.
The survey of the Gold IRA Guide was conducted in April 2019.
The magazine asked a series of questions to more than 1,000 US retirees over the age of 50 regarding investment in the creation of Satoshi Nakamoto.
According to the survey results, 56.7% knew about Bitcoin, but were not interested in investing.
About 3.5% said they wanted to invest in Bitcoins, but did not know how to start, while 4.5% of pensioners expressed interest in investing in Bitcoins, but decided to monitor them instead of going to forward.
In contrast, 32.9% of those surveyed said they “have no idea what bitcoin is.”
The difference between the investment preferences of retirees and the millennials is quite evident.
A study has shown that the Millennials are in favor of the use of cryptocurrencies: 25% of them have some already or exchange crypto. In addition, they also found that 31% more would be interested in acquiring them.
Although the report shows that millennials are more likely to use cryptocurrencies than any other generation; it also revealed that they were more skeptical about financial services and blockchain.
In fact, three-quarters of the Millennials surveyed believe that it is only a matter of time before another financial crisis like the 2007 one happens.
In this sense, a study conducted on the eToro platform revealed that nearly half of millennial investors have more confidence in cryptocurrency trading platforms than in US markets.
Another interesting fact, about 3% of Chinese citizens have invested in cryptocurrencies.
This figure of 3% of pensioners who own Bitcoin is not that bad when you know that only about 1% of the population is in cryptocurrency.
With more institutionals, insurance companies getting into Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, it will be easier for retirees and the general public to invest into Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, just a matter of time.