WordPress Plugins to accept payments in Bitcoin or Cryptocurrency on your site !
How to accept Bitcoin payments with WordPress.
Let’s see first what is Bitcoin and why you should accept payments in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency on your website or in your shop.
Bitcoin, enigmatic Bitcoin.
It’s a mystery still unclear. In 2008, a man named Satoshi Nakamoto – others talk about an organization of several people – creates Bitcoin. He explains how it works in this 9-page White Paper (https://bitcoincryptoadvice.com/the-bitcoin-white-paper).
According to some sources, the creator of Bitcoin would have a million bitcoins on a wallet which means Billions of Dollars!
He is still very far from Jeff Bezos, the Founder of Amazon and richest man in the world, with a fortune estimated at $112 billion, according to Forbes.
What is Bitcoin?
This currency is not physical (you can not touch it), but virtual.
It is based on a system operating without administrator.
There is no intermediary (no bank, if we draw a parallel with a conventional scheme), and everything happens through the network, peer-to-peer.
In summary, Wikipedia states that “Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that makes it possible to send instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world.”
The Bitcoin network is based on a chain of blocks (the blockchain), a kind of shared and public ledger.
The blockchain, therefore, “is a document in which one writes everything that everyone spends and buys,” explains OpenClassrooms in its excellent training course Understanding Bitcoin and Blockchain.
More generally, bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, a digital asset protected by cryptographic means.
The official Bitcoin website states that “cryptography is used to prevent anyone from spending funds from another user’s wallet and to prevent chain block corruption.”
There are more than 1,600 cryptocurrencies currently in circulation, according to the website Coinmarketcap.com, which offers real-time data.
The most famous – and the most used – is bitcoin, but you will also find, for example:
Bitcoin Cash
The price of Bitcoin can increase suddenly, or decline. Cryptocurrency prices are not stable whether it’s Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc…
As a result, the official Bitcoin website recommends not keeping your savings in Bitcoins, if you can not afford to lose them. The ideal is to convert them into Fiat, Dollars, Euros (or the currency of your choice) as soon as possible.
A volatile currency with an unpredictable future: you have to wonder why it can be interesting to invest in bitcoin?
Why you should pay attention to Bitcoin!
Due to the anonymous nature of Bitcoin, it is very difficult to know how many people use it.
The sources are quite divergent, the cryptocurrency community estimates that nearly five million people will use it by 2019.
According to Bitinfocharts, there are more than 22 million Bitcoin Wallets.
Anyway, there are several advantages to use Bitcoin:
Transactions are broadcast in seconds. Even if, in this regard, Bitcoin is very controversial and has sometimes been very slow.
Payments are possible at any time.
If your customers do not want to pay by credit card or can not use payment gateways like PayPal or Stripe, they will have no problem with Bitcoin. Anyone can accept them, across the planet.
No intermediary:
Transactions are user-to-user. Generally, transaction fees are low or non-existent.
Security and Privacy:
No need to enter personal information when paying the bill, which is not the case with a credit card. It also minimizes the risk of fraud.
On paper, bitcoin is a currency that has a lot of advantages. But it also has some disadvantages, well explained by the official bitcoin website:
you’ve seen it, its price can increase or decline exponentially in a few hours. Hence a risk of losing a lot of money in a short time.
Payments in Bitcoins are irreversible:
Once the transaction is completed, you can not go back. This means that you must not go wrong with the recipient.
Bitcoin is not completely anonymous:
“All Bitcoin transactions are kept publicly and permanently in the network, which means that the balance and transactions of any Bitcoin address can be viewed by anyone.”
There is no name associated with an account, we can not know who it is (as with an IP address).
It is necessary to secure your wallet to protect yourself.
How to accept payments in Bitcoin or Cryptocurrency on a WordPress site?
To receive and send payments, you will need a wallet.
There are 4 types of crypto wallets, according to the official Bitcoin website:
Desktop: Crypto Wallets that you install on your desktop.
Hardware: Hardware wallets dedicated to Bitcoin like the Ledger Nano X.
Mobile: Crypto wallets dedicated to smartphone use via an app.
Web: Online crypto wallets.
Now, you will surely tell me: “Which one to choose?” Excellent question.
We can only advise you to test them to make your own opinion, find out about the level of security offered and see what kind of crypto wallet you like or want.
Just make sure that you keep secure your private keys in an undisclosed location.
The Ledger Nano X might be the best crypto wallet on the market.
Read our article about the best crypto wallets: https://bitcoincryptoadvice.com/the-best-cryptocurrency-wallet
And the Ledger Nano X: https://bitcoincryptoadvice.com/the-ledger-nano-x-best-crypto-wallet
You will need to choose a Payment processor that supports Bitcoin and cryptocurrency.
Which payment gateways to use to accept payments in Bitcoin or cryptocurrency?
Coinbase Commerce
Coinbase tools for merchants.
For merchants and service providers, Coinbase will offer the creation of payment buttons, an API to connect your e-commerce system to your account on Coinbase and thus automate your entire store.
At the time of writing, there is already a WordPress plugin plugged into the API.
In summary whatever your technical level is, you can already start accepting Bitcoin payments with Coinbase, by means of a simple button/QR Code that will be shown on your site.
As a merchant you will be able to:
Install a simple “Pay with Bitcoin” button on your site.
Install a bitcoin payment page.
Send your invoices (and payment requests) by email to your customers.
Connect your site to the API to automate features.
Manage your Bitcoins (resell them directly or transfer them to another address).
See your sales (statistics).
See your income (statistics).
And so: Accept Bitcoin!
Bitpay is one of the biggest crypto payment processor on the market.
It processes payments for businesses and charities by combining with the POS system for physical outlets.
It can also work with any POS system, you just need to install Bitpay.
Bitpay supports many currencies such as the Dollar, Euro, Pound Sterling and Chinese Yuan, as well as direct bank deposits.
Bitpay also offers a wordpress plugin for your wordpress website to start accepting payments in Bitcoin or cryptocurrency on your e-commerce website.
Bitpay will take care of the payment in Bitcoin or cryptocurrency and will convert it in fiat right away to avoid any fluctuation in crypto price.
And if a customer wants a refund, Bitpay takes care of it, they just need an email address to send the money back to your customer.
CoinGate is a digital payment processing service that accepts more than 45 cryptocurrencies.
A wordpress plugin Coingate WooCommerce will allow you to quickly integrate your online store Coingate service to accept payments in cryptocurrency and Bitcoin.
Gocoin is one of the largest crypto payment processing services and supports various crypto-currencies.
It offers easy integration in the form of a plug-in that companies can install on their website and has a billing system that offers the option of having no charge back fees.
Btcpay is an open source crypto payment processor.
It means that you need technical knowledge to install it and to run it.
The processor is essentially a decentralized version of Bitpay.
Btcpay is useful for merchants who want to control their own funds and accept multiple cryptocurrencies.
Paymium is a French company that offers the sale and purchase of Bitcoin but also offers a solution for merchant sites that want to integrate Bitcoin payment on their merchant site.
The company was created in 2011, it is a serious player that offers a turnkey solution easy to integrate on your website.
You can integrate the Bitcoin payment solution or simply put a Bitcoin payment button on your site, much like PayPal actually does.
Paymium is available in French, English, Spanish, German, Italian!
Paymium is a European Company and is therefore in compliance with the European Regulation on payment services.
The Best WordPress Plugins to accept payments in Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency on your website:
Woocommerce Sites
If you use WooCommerce on your site and you want to use Bitpay as your crypto payment processor service, the Bitpay plugin for WooCommerce (https://wordpress.org/plugins/bitpay-for-woocommerce) is a great option.
To start using Bitpay, simply register for a “professional account”.
For Woocommerce sites, there is also the Coingate plugin if you want to use the Coingate crypto payment processor.https://wordpress.org/plugins/coingate-for-woocommerce
GoUrl WooCommerce Plugin
If you like the GoUrl Bitcoin Payment Gateway and you have created your shop using WooCommerce, you’ll probably want this plugin.
It does exactly the same thing as the other plugin (that is, adds a cryptocurrency payment gateway to your site), but it was specifically designed for the WooCommerce platform: GoUrl WooCommerce Plugin
Stripe Payment Gateway WooCommerce Plugin
Among the best crypto payment processors for WordPress, there is Stripe which has a very user-friendly platform for developers.
If you’re excited about the flexible, easy-to-use plugins that work with a WooCommerce site, you might want to consider this Stripe Payment Gateway.
It accepts Bitcoin payments in addition to credit cards.
Good WordPress Plugins to accept payments in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies:
Easy Digital Downloads
Easy Digital Downloads is a free and popular WordPress plugin for those who sell digital products on their WordPress site.
Coinbase Payment Gateway is offered as a premium add-on for websites using Easy Digital Downloads.
It allows you to accept Bitcoin payments on your site, using Coinbase Commerce as a crypto payment processor.
Digital Paybox
Digital Paybox is another premium WordPress plugin that will allow you to accept Bitcoin payments in exchange for digital downloads.
This solution integrates with many payment gateways, but uses Bitpay to accept Bitcoin.
Easy to install and configure, Digital Paybox allows customers to decide how much they want to pay for a digital product.
GoUrl is a cryptocurrency payment processor.
The GoUrl Bitcoin Payment Gateway will allow you to accept Bitcoins payments with WordPress.
However, GoUrl will not change Bitcoin into cash, it will only transmit payments to your Bitcoin wallet.
This WordPress plugin will also accept other crypto-currencies on your WordPress website, including Litecoin, Dash, Bitcoin Cash and many more.
You have in this article the Best WordPress Plugins to accept payments in Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency on your website.
Take a look at them, try them, it also depends which Crypto Payment Gateway you want to use to charge your customers in Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency.
So, depending on a few details, you will know which WordPress Plugin you can use to accept Payments in Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency.
Don’t miss the train, the value of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies will go up with time, the sooner you accept crypto payments, the more value your coins will take in the future if you decide to hold some cryptocurrencies of course.
Some crypto payment gateways allow you to change immediately your cryptocurrencies in cash as you need to have a stable currency to run your business of course.
But you could also keep a part of it as an investment in cryptocurrency.
You can also read our other article about how to accept payments in Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency for your business: