A major news for the eGold cryptocurrency of the Elrond blockchain project (EGLD), it will be able to be stored on smartphones equipped with the Samsung Blockchain Wallet.
In an article on the Elrond blog, its CEO, Beniamin Mincu, announced the news:
“We are therefore delighted to announce that you will be able to securely store your eGold in the built-in hardware wallet of your Samsung device! Smartphones equipped with the Samsung Blockchain Keystore hold the private keys of the blockchain and manage transactions in a dedicated security enclave on the phone.”
This will allow eGold (EGLD) holders with a smartphone equipped with the Samsung Blockchain Keystore function to perform transactions and store their private keys with this new functionality.
The Samsung Blockchain Keystore offers advanced security for users, eGold holders won’t have to worry about carrying an external hardware wallet like Ledger Nano X or remembering their password.
Access to cryptocurrencies stored on a Samsung crypto wallet is done using the same mechanisms used to secure your device, such as biometrics or your private PIN.
EGLD token holders wishing to store their eGold tokens in ERC20 format on their Samsung Blockchain wallet will also be able to do so.
Samsung will certainly play an important role in the adoption and democratization of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, making it easier to store and use these new digital currencies.
Whether in developed or developing countries, the smartphone has become an essential tool in everyday life, internet shopping, ebanking, social networks, etc.
Providing an all-in-one solution integrating the mobile phone and cryptocurrency is certainly the medium that will accelerate the adoption of cryptos among the general public.
An Elrond price (EGLD) up at 38.60 dollars, following this positive announcement.