An MCO price that pumps 50% following announcement to basically drop this token in favor of its other CRO token.
The MCO token of the former company name, Monaco, was well known to the crypto community, however, it was used in particular to order a bitcoin debit card offered by the company, the MCO crypto debit card.
We can think that the company wants to get rid of everything associated with its old name (Monaco) and only keep the CRO cryptocurrency related to its new name.
Now, indicates to swap its MCO tokens to CRO tokens by November 2, 2020 as the official announcement states.
“Please read this announcement carefully. Action is required before 11:59 p.m. UTC November 2, 2020, otherwise you will lose the functionality currently associated with your MCO. We will not perform the MCO swap on your behalf and the swap will not occur automatically,” the company warns.
A surprise announcement for MCO token holders who have no choice but to change their tokens into CRO tokens.
The company is offering a 20% bonus to compensate MCO holders surprised by this unexpected announcement.
1 MCO = 33.1726 CRO
To change your MCO tokens, you must use the application, the token swap cannot be done on a classic crypto exchange like Binance for example.
Otherwise, you must sell your MCO tokens whose price rose by 50% yesterday following this announcement.
If you were doing MCO staking on this platform, you can directly swap your MCO to CRO and do CRO staking instead. will also burn 15,793,852.04 MCOs that remain in its possession.
Changing Bitcoin debit Card Prices
As the MCO token will no longer be used, the prices of CRO Bitcoin debit cards have been changed and adjusted in CRO token.
If the MCO token is going to disappear, the company is still offering $50 as a welcome offer for anyone who orders a CRO crypto debit card using our promo code: click here.