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Tim Cook, Apple CEO, says Apple does not plan to launch a cryptocurrency!

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Tim Cook, Apple CEO, says Apple does not plan to launch a cryptocurrency

Tim Cook, Apple CEO, says Apple does not plan to launch a cryptocurrency!

In an exclusive interview with the French newspaper Les Echos, Tim Cook confirms Apple’s intentions regarding cryptocurrency and that Apple does not intend to launch its own cryptocurrency unlike what is doing Facebook in particular.

Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, states:

“I really think that a currency should stay in the hands of countries. I’m not comfortable with the idea of ​​a private group creating a competing currency.”

The CEO of Apple puts an end to rumors on the launch of a cryptocurrency by Apple following the statements of the Vice President of Apple Pay, Jennifer Bailey, who said: the company “looks at cryptocurrency” , finding it “interesting” and presenting a “long-term potential”.

What some might have seen as a hint about Apple’s intentions and perhaps launching its cryptocurrency but no, Tim Cook is clear on this topic.

As he says, the CEO of Apple considers that currencies, digital, national, are not the responsibility of a private company, it is up to governments to manage this and not a private company to create a competing national currency.

Apple intends to focus on its business in software and hardware.
There will be no Apple Coin then.

Tim Cook refers to Facebook and its cryptocurrency Libra which raises many concerns about its objectives and consequences it could have on national currencies.

France who declared that Libra is not welcome on European soil!

Facebook knows now that one of the GAFA does not intend to compete by launching its own cryptocurrency like Facebook is doing with Libra.
The remaining question is whether Google and Amazon intend to step into cryptocurrency.


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