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Bitcoin surpasses stocks in Google searches!

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Bitcoin surpasses stocks in Google searches

Bitcoin surpasses stocks in Google searches!

For the first time since February 2018, worldwide searches for the term “Bitcoin” on Google have outperformed those of stocks and the stock market according to Google Trends.

For most of 2018, when Bitcoin (BTC) and cryptocurrencies suffered during the global crypto bear market, research on the subject has been declining.
But with the resumption of Bitcoin since April 2019, the trend has reversed in favor of cryptocurrency.

A trend is forming.
For the week of June 23-29, 2019, Bitcoin overshadowed the equity market with an interest of 100 compared to 58 for traditional assets.

The average of the last month was also in favor of Bitcoin with a score between 76 and 79.

On the question of geographical distribution, most research on the term “Stocks” comes from the United States and Canada.

Regarding France, the term “Stock Exchange” still remains more sought after than that of “Bitcoin”, the trend being reversed only when the cryptocurrency had reached its ATH to $20 000 in January 2018.

However, the current trend of Global research could point to a broader shift in the interest of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as an investment vehicle.

A growing interest for Bitcoin!
A number of fundamental factors could be behind this trend.

For starters, Bitcoin has been in the spotlight recently for many reasons.
Facebook and its Libra project have clearly upset regulators who have a more critical look at all digital assets.

Bitcoin was also mentioned by US President Donald Trump last month in a tweet that the crypto community considered a bullish signal despite the negative sentiment that aroused his claims.

It is undeniable that global economic difficulties are intensifying as memories of the last financial crisis begin to resurface.
Once again, the United States is the foundation of financial strains with escalating trade war with China and some Middle Eastern countries.
By imposing more and more restrictions on international trade, some countries are turning to the possibility of issuing their own sovereign cryptocurrency and are already using Bitcoin for many other uses.

It is likely that this trend does not stop there, Bitcoin is increasingly raised in governments and institutions.

The subject of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are gaining reputation despite some negative events that still affect the sector too often.

Blockchain technology will also impact our lives and disrupt the economy, see our article about Mybit and IOT financing through the Ethereum blockchain:

Will we see the same increase in interest when Bitcoin reaches $20,000 again? Probably!

The last time “Bitcoin” had outperformed the “stock” market in Google searches, it was the end of 2017, a few months before the culmination of the race in cryptocurrency, the Bitcoin bull run!


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